Digital Agency near Omaha

A cool city deserves cool websites.

Your website should be as unique as your business.

The world is more online than ever, and your business’ website makes an incredible amount of first impressions on your behalf.

Does your site align with everything your company offers? Do users feel like they get to know you? Are you making a lasting impression? There are a lot of variables that make up a highly effective business website.

Lifted Logic is based in Kansas City and recognized nationally as a 100% in-house web design and digital marketing agency. We help businesses build their brand, implement strategy, and produce results to improve your online presence and grow your business.

We deliver customized web design and digital marketing for Omaha businesses. Whatever your industry, our team can help you tell your story through functional, engaging web design.

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We’ve worked with hundreds of organizations to create digital experiences that convert users into revenue.

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Gretna • Council Bluffs • Bellevue • Papillion • West O • Regency • & Beyond
Spreading Love Across the Midwest Since 2007
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Why we optimize your site content.

The word optimize is key here, and it basically means that we tailor the content of your site to help search engines find and rank your site. Growing your website’s organic reach makes you “findable” online. There is a reason “Google it.” has made its way into everyday language! Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others work to find and display the best results to a person’s search query, and people rely on search engines to find the information they need more than ever before.

Because of this, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is incredibly important if you want to show up for what’s relevant to your business: your products, services, menu offerings, etc. With SEO in mind, the content Lifted Logic writes is not only optimized, but we also employ creative writing and digital storytelling best practices along with SEO tools to help search engines like Google notice and rank your website pages in Omaha and beyond.

One of the largest components of SEO is aligning the words and phrases you’re optimizing for with user intent. User intent is the purpose behind what a person searches, and we tailor your site content to match the intention of search popular search queries. Lifted Logic sites aren’t just beautiful; they’re expertly optimized for SEO and a high-quality user experience.

Free training to set you up for success.

After your site launches, we stick by your side 🤝 Our team is there for your post-launch to check in on your site’s performance and we even offer training to help you use your website to its fullest potential. We’ll teach you how to make easy updates, build new pages, and more for the lifetime of your website by Lifted Logic.

Ongoing Marketing Plans

Ready to take your site even further? We offer AdWords advertising campaign management and ongoing marketing packages. These packages aim to grow your site’s SEO power and meet other established goals with SEO blog content, newsletters, social posts, and professional photos and videos. Our team customizes all of these to your brand and marketing plan. We have a lot of package options, whether you want to dip your toe in or cannonball into ongoing marketing with Lifted Logic.

If you’re not quite ready to take things further, no problemo. We are happy to train our clients on what we do and how we do it. Our team loves nerding out and showing others the ropes, so we offer free SEO blog training! We’ll meet with you and walk you through our process, from the basics of planning and outlining written content to the technical side of SEO writing.


Appealing to Online Users

More people online means more noise and more competition for the attention of those browsing the web. Omaha businesses are in a unique position; you’re not in the ocean-sized competition of New York City, but there’s still a Great-Lake-sized amount of competition when it comes to ranking on search engines. Climbing to the top of search engine results pages is known as SEO, or search engine optimization. Achieving this feat takes careful time, strategy, and planning—things we’re all quite familiar with at our web design and marketing agency!

One of the biggest aspects of SEO that’s always at the forefront of strategy is user intent. There are 4 main intents people have when they’re searching online for something: informational, transactional, commercial, and navigational. Fun fact: if you found us by searching “web design” or “marketing agency,” you performed a commercial search; this is a search where you’re gathering information before making a purchasing decision.

So what do we mean by all of this?

We’re stressing the importance of appealing to your audience, writing helpful content, and driving leads to your website through SEO. Not only that, but once a user gets there, they want to have a great experience with an easy-to-use design, navigation, applications, and more. SEO-optimized content, design, development, and visuals all come together for a high-quality website. Sounds like a lot of work, huh? Trust us: it is. But also trust us in knowing that a high-quality website can grow your business exponentially.

Digital Storytelling

In essence, digital storytelling is not quite like any other style of writing. You can’t write the same way you’d write a college essay or your cover letter. Remember the constraints: we have less than 10 seconds to capture a user’s attention. This means witty-yet-straight-to-the-point copy, eye-catching visuals, intuitive design, and many other variables. Oh, and it’s all written in a way to help you rank well on search engines. No big deal. (Yes big deal.)

The Digital Space

Sure, many people think of cornfields and bad wifi when they think of Nebraska, but we both know that’s not true 😉 Omaha is a bustling city with an affordable cost of living and a great economic outlook. Like other top U.S. cities, Nebraskans are more online than ever, making it increasingly important for your business to be online too.

Location, Location, Location

After user intent, location is probably the next highest priority in your SEO efforts. Most businesses want to show up locally for customers who are physically near their business and service areas. If your business is in Omaha and you get customers from all over the metro city, you want to appear on search engine results pages for terms that represent what you do. This localization strategy can change depending on your business goals, audience, and physical business location(s).

We can also work to hyper-localize your SEO content if you’re at the beginning of your SEO journey. If you’re in a suburb of Omaha, such as Gretna, Council Bluffs, Bellevue, or Papillion, you first want to show up for customers in that specific location, not Omaha! There are different reasons we’ll recommend this strategy, but the main idea is we want to drive the users closest to you to your site first before expanding out farther.

Some of the largest industries thriving in Omaha are agriculture, food processing, healthcare, insurance, and transportation; plus, four Fortune 500 companies have headquarters in the city. Of course, small and medium-sized businesses can thrive too!

With Omaha becoming more and more of a destination for businesses due to its lower costs than the coasts and central location, businesses have an opportunity to take part in this special landscape.

Connecting With Your City

Nebraskans, Omahans, whatever you call ’em, it’s important to know your audience, A.K.A. your customer base. What are their values? What helps them trust you as a company? Nebraska has Midwest values and tight-knit communities, so it’s important to do your research and find out what makes your customer base tick and then tailor your website content to them.

Our content strategists can help you answer all of these questions and more to find the perfect balance of your brand’s voice and tone. Are you keepin’ it casual or ensuring you come across as a highly educated professional, or somewhere in between? We can help you nail down these traits to write site content that best engages your target audiences.

Past Clients

Lifted Logic has worked with many businesses in and around Omaha. (Not to mention, we have our very own in-house Nebraskan, Todd Smidt—project manager extraordinaire. Yay Todd!) We’ll partner with you to learn everything there is to know about your business, coming into these meetings with the perspective of a blank slate user who knows nothing about you; we promise, asking stupid questions IS vital here. Our team uses data, years of experience, and proven strategies to build you a custom website to help your business grow.

We want to be the best digital agency near Omaha.
We love helping brands big & small shine online through web design and marketing services.

Website Services

Web Content

Website Content

Project Strategy
Brand Voice & Tone
Site Navigation & Information Architecture
Keyword Research
Conversion Rate Optimization
SEO Copywriting

Search Engine Optimization

Keyword Research
Conversion Rate Optimization
SEO Copywriting

Web Design

User Experience

Brand Identity
UX Design
UI Design
Site Navigation & Information Architecture


Site Menu Design
Asset Preparation & Packaging
Custom Dashboards
Curated Shot Lists
Mobile Design

Web Development

Frontend Development

E-Commerce Development
Mobile App Development
Web App Development
Customer Accounts & Profiles

Backend Development

Content Management Systems
User Access Management
SEO Schema Markup
APIs & Integrations

Marketing Services

Marketing & Consulting


Employee Training
Client Education & Seminars
Networking & Community Events
Sales & Lead Generation Coaching
Business Consulting

Brand Awareness

PPC & Remarketing
Social Media Management
Event Marketing

Content Strategy

User Experience

Brand Identity
UX Design
UI Design
Site Navigation & Information Architecture


Site Menu Design
Asset Preparation & Packaging
Custom Dashboards
Curated Shot Lists
Mobile Design

Branding & Design

Frontend Development

E-Commerce Development
Mobile App Development
Web App Development
Customer Accounts & Profiles

Backend Development

Content Management Systems
User Access Management
SEO Schema Markup
APIs & Integrations

Photo & Video

Frontend Development

E-Commerce Development
Mobile App Development
Web App Development
Customer Accounts & Profiles

Backend Development

Content Management Systems
User Access Management
SEO Schema Markup
APIs & Integrations

Let’s talk about your crazy ideas

Are you Omaha’s next Warren Buffet? Maybe not, but we’re here to help you dream big or bring you back to reality if needed—we don’t mince words. We offer consulting services to talk through prospective ideas to continue growing your company. Our team will help you look at information like conversion tracking and ROI and strategize the best approach for the needs and goals of your business.

We also offer a la carte services for content, design, development, and photo/video. We can collaborate with you to create infographics, new lead generation tools, and more.

Get Lifted

Ready to work with our team of SEO, marketing, and web design nerds? Reach out for a free consultation with us.

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*Local Shoutouts

The Gang Goes to Omaha

Now that we’ve talked your ear off about what Lifted Logic can do for Omaha, what does Omaha do for Lifted Logic? We’re calling out some of our favorite businesses and places in the Big O.

*Is this super relevant to what we do? Eh, not directly. We just couldn’t help but take the opportunity to call out the businesses we love to support.