Web Design in Boise

Blowin’ up Boise with custom websites

Your website is your first impression

In today’s world, someone clicking on your business’s site is just as important, if not more, than someone walking into your office for the first time. They’ll get an immediate feel of your brand’s mission and goals.

Is your website sending the right message? Are you creating a trustworthy image that results in quality leads? The expert team at Lifted Logic’s web design & marketing agency near you in Boise is here to help.

Lifted Logic is based in Kansas City and recognized nationally as a 100% in-house web design and digital marketing agency. We help businesses build their brand, implement strategy, and produce results to improve your online presence and grow your business.

We’ve worked with clients across the country to produce stunning websites that produce results.

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Free Training to Set You Up for Success

We know that dipping your toes into the digital world can be scary, so trust us, we won’t just throw information at you and say, “Good luck!”✌️The Lifted Logic team sticks by your side. We’ll work WITH you throughout the website design and help track your site performance once we launch. We want you to take full advantage of your site, so we’ll give you the rundown on adding pages, posts, and more to keep it updated.


Past Clients

Lifted Logic has collaborated with a variety of Boise businesses to elevate their online presence (and, therefore, their business). We understand that every business has unique needs and goals for their journey with us, so let’s get to know each other! After nailing down your mission, values, and goals, we’ll put together a plan just for you that uses proven methods to reach them.


Long-Term Marketing Plans

Ready to take your website even further? The project doesn’t end once you launch, so to help your business continue to grow, we offer ongoing AdWords advertising campaign management and marketing packages. These packages contain valuable tools to continue driving more traffic to your new site, such as SEO blog content, newsletters, social posts, and professional photos & videos. Whether you’re just looking to give it a try or ready to start a trending campaign, we have options perfect for your Boise business.

If you’re not quite ready to commit, no worries! Our team of nerds would love to show you the ins and outs of what we do (since our other friends are probably tired of hearing about it), so we offer free SEO blog training. Let’s set up a time to get together and create a plan, including everything from writing to telling a story to SEO optimization.


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Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is a unique kind of writing that works to grab the attention of users in just a glance, so your typical approach to professional writing won’t provide the results you want. This isn’t a detailed research paper; it’s more of a sparkly little teaser that makes someone want to learn more about your business, increasing traffic to your site! It should consist of interesting images and easily digestible but captivating copy. Plus, it’s all optimized for SEO, helping you rank higher on search engines.


Attracting Your Audience

Understanding the average online user is essential, but where do you start? Well, Boise residents turn to search engines for a range of needs like directions, online shopping, tutorials, reviews, and much more. If you found Lifted Logic through a web search, you probably searched something to the effect of “web design agency near me.”

So here’s the main takeaway if you’re taking notes: think like a user! We know it can be hard to remove yourself from your business, but as you can tell, there are so many kinds of user search intent. Your business needs to be able to meet this user’s search needs in order for them to even find your business. Every year, the bar is raised for what users expect of a business’s online presence.

Our strategy is to use what we know about your target audience, user intent, and the content of your site to tell users, “Look, we’re your answer!”. Once they’ve found you, we need to instantly instill feelings of reliability, trust, and expertise. At Lifted Logic, we do this by telling your brand’s authentic story along with optimizing your content for search. Obviously, this takes a lot of work that you may not be able to devote adequate time to, so our team is ready to assist through a customized plan. The LL pros are well versed in creating effective strategies for any user through data-driven decisions and in-depth search engine research.


Why we optimize your site content.

Short answer: your business needs to be easy to find online. When you need to find a certain shop or service, what do you do? Google it, of course! Google is the #1 search engine, and people use it to find all kinds of content every single day.

So when we “optimize” your content, we’re not only writing attention-grabbing, easy-to-read copy, we’re also helping search engines find your content and rank it higher. This means it pops up higher on the search engine, which is helpful because, let’s be real, we rarely scroll past the first page. All of this combined is what makes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so important.

At Lifted Logic, we understand that user intent is just as important as SEO. User intent refers to what a person searches. This could be anything from “best Italian restaurant near me” to “cars for sale online.” We optimize the words and phrases the user is likely to use in their search and combine it with our creative writing and brand storytelling expertise to create the best possible user experience.

The Boise Digital Space

As the heart, soul, and capital of Idaho, Boise may be known as “the city of trees,” but it’s also home to a constantly-growing population. You may not immediately think of Boise as a super high-tech city like New York or Los Angeles, but with more people moving in each year, the number of online users is increasing exponentially.


Boise Businesses

Boise is surpassing other states’ career growth by the day with booming industries, including food production, energy, manufacturing, andΒ technology.

That’s right, over 70% of the state’s exports come from the science and tech industry. Boise serves as a significantly more affordable launch pad option for tech careers. So while looks may be deceiving, all kinds of businesses can thrive here! It’s a lot more than cattle and wheat. After all, all of the city’s top industries play major roles in the economy.


Connecting with Your City

The tight-knit communities within Boise are loyal to trusted businesses, so creating and maintaining the right relationship with them is key to your success. Spending hours writing content aimed at the wrong people is a huge waste of your precious time! Lifted Logic is here to help you nail down your target audience and find the most effective communication method specific to them and your industry.

Once we’ve got your target audience down, we’ll research what makes them attracted to a certain service, product, or brand. What are their values? What are their needs and wants? We’ll work with you to combine industry insights and data with your brand identity to create the perfect online presence.


Location, location, location.

Another key to success is optimizing for the right location. Showing up locally is vital. If your business is in Boise, then most of your customers are likely Idaho locals. This means that Boise residents and surrounding locals should be able to easily stumble upon your business. However, the local SEO strategy changes depending on your local competition and goals.

For example, if you’re a new business just getting its wheels turning in a suburb of Boise like Garden City, you’ll need to optimize your content just for Garden City,Β notΒ Boise! Of course, there are other factors that search engines account for when looking for your service area, but this general rule helps avoid casting a net too far so you can hone in on the local customers. Don’t worryβ€”the LL team will research all this and more before we begin writing and optimizing your site’s content.

We want to be the best web design agency in Boise.
We love helping brands big & small shine online through web design and marketing services.

Website Services

Web Content

Website Content

Project Strategy
Brand Voice & Tone
Site Navigation & Information Architecture
Keyword Research
Conversion Rate Optimization
SEO Copywriting

Search Engine Optimization

Keyword Research
Conversion Rate Optimization
SEO Copywriting

Web Design

User Experience

Brand Identity
UX Design
UI Design
Site Navigation & Information Architecture


Site Menu Design
Asset Preparation & Packaging
Custom Dashboards
Curated Shot Lists
Mobile Design

Web Development

Frontend Development

E-Commerce Development
Mobile App Development
Web App Development
Customer Accounts & Profiles

Backend Development

Content Management Systems
User Access Management
SEO Schema Markup
APIs & Integrations

All About Us


Everything you need to know in 90 seconds

Get Lifted

We want to hear your crazy ideas!

Our team works with all kinds of clients in all kinds of industries, so we’re always trying to learn more and spice things up. Tell us your crazy ideas, and we’ll tell you if they’re actually crazy. We offer consultations where we can discuss these ideas and look into conversion tracking and ROI to give you the best recommendations.

The Lifted Logic web design team also provides Γ  la carte services for content, design, photos/videos, development, and more. We have you covered on everything from logos to commercials.

Get Lifted.

Ready to work with our team of SEO, marketing, and web design nerds? Reach out for a free consultation with us.

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