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Recent 24 Jun 2014

Local Brand Marketing in Kansas City

by Lifted Logic

A lot of attention these days is focused on supporting an area’s economy by buying local. Most people prefer to support a local business over a national corporation when given the option to keep the money flow within their own area and because local, home-grown products are frequently way better than anything mass-produced (I’ll take Minsky’s Pizza over Dominos any day, just sayin’). Local brand marketing in Kansas City is vital to cultivating a successful business with lots of opportunities for growth and expansion.

Many of our clients at Lifted Logic are local businesses who have seen an increase in sales due to, in part, some of the branding services we provide like, custom logo design and wordmarks, unique business cards, building or vehicle signage, and much more. With some help from this article posted by Search Engine Land, we’ll go through some of the key factors of successful local brand marketing in Kansas City.

Original Images, Photos, & Videoslogo

A creative, recognizable logo is one of the foundational building blocks to local brand marketing. The logos and wordmarks we create at Lifted Logic (see example to the left) are sure to capture attention and we create ours in a vectorized form so they will look high-quality, no matter their size. A local business’s website should also feature photos of its owners and staff, to give users a face to recognize and build trust before an initial meeting occurs. Photos around the workplace are also great to highlight what a business does (tip from SEL: “try to incorporate the logo into the photos as further reinforcement of the brand”) and gives the user a closer look inside.

Original homepage videos are one of the best ways to showcase the products, services, and personalities that make up a business. At Lifted Logic, we specialize in videography and emphasize its benefits in our approach to local brand marketing in Kansas City. A well-produced video simultaneously incorporates the benefits of original photos and logo recognizability while really exposing potential clients to what a business is all about. (See one of our original videos below!)

Engaging the Community

We’ve said it before and we’ll continue to say it: social media and blog posts are key to successful local brand marketing in Kansas City! When a business engages its local community, it inserts itself in everyday conversation and sends recognizability through the roof. LIfted Logic knows that local business owners are incredibly busy, so we offer social media marketing and SEO blogging services to clients who trust our marketing specialists and copywriters to build their brand. (iThirst, Inc.’s Facebook page pictured)

When a business interacts with its customers and the general public, it gets to play a major role in building its own reputation. Tweets, status updates, and regular blog posts help build trust and friendships with customers and potential customers in a way that a website’s static content cannot.

The Importance of Local Brand Marketing in Kansas City

It’s tough to keep up with all these factors for success on your own. If you’re at a loss at where to begin marketing your local business, give us a call, we have the experience and resources to get you started on the right foot. We believe that a business can only grow more successful when they turn to LIfted Logic’s experts for local brand marketing in Kansas City. Our services ensure that your business’s brand will become more recognizable with our creative logo and business card designs, and you’ll really blow your website visitors away with our stunning videos and photos featured on your custom site’s homepage. Fill out the form below to contact us and see why Lifted Logic’s approach to local brand marketing in Kansas City is the best!

About the Author

Lifted Logic

Lifted Logic is a team of creative writers, designers, developers, and photographers who specialize in digital storytelling. As a leading web design company in Kansas City, Lifted Logic works with hundreds of small, medium, and large businesses across the country every year.