Looking for Graphic Design in Gardner, Kansas?
There’s a running joke amongst designers known by asking the question: “How do you take your design?” The idea behind the joke is there are a few main “categories,” or priorities, of graphic design, and because life happens, you can usually only pick two of the priorities. These categories for graphic design are fast, cheap, great, and free.
Graphic designers cringe at the realm of “free” because, while we want every piece we design to be great, it’s hard to dedicate a lot of time to a job we know we aren’t getting paid for (unless it’s for a cause we’re passionate about). So that leaves you with three categories of graphic design; fast, cheap and great. We all want to live in a design utopia that would have a perfect balance of all three, but since this is real life, here’s a breakdown of how you should prioritize different types of graphic design jobs:
Fast and Cheap: This is the target area if the piece is needed on short notice, and isn’t a key piece to an event or brand.
Fast and Great: Use this for central/key items that are on a short deadline.
Great and Cheap: If you don’t have a tight deadline this is perfect. The designer can work on it in small chunks over time and then give you a final product.
The team here at Lifted Logic has a team who solely focuses on in-house graphic design in Gardner Kansas, who loves working with clients to help them take ideas from their head, to a visual. We do our best to be as close to graphic design utopia as we can be. To do this, we are effective in time management; making sure we’re well prepared before the job even begins helps us do this saving time and money. And we offer our clients options to choose from so everyone can find a design that they love.
If you are interested in seeing how Lifted Logic can help your business in Gardner Kansas with our graphic design services, please fill out the form below and we will contact you within 2 hours to set up a meeting!