Lifted Logic highly recommends that anyone who wants to make their website stand out features a video on their site and Lifted Logic can help!
Videos are a great way to show your story and keep people’s attention.
Most people prefer watching videos to reading lines of content. By giving the user the option you are more likely to ensure that your website is viewed, understood, and shared. The average online user spends just over 1 minute on each of the over 2,400 websites they look at each month. If your video can keep them on your site for more than 2 minutes that gives you a huge advantage over your competition.
Videos allow you to feature your best work.
It’s your website which means you get to pick what’s on it. Show the user what you’re most proud of. If you’ve created something that other people enjoy using you should be showcasing that on your website. People don’t want to be told what to do, but they love to know they are part of a larger whole. It helps them to feel like they belong. Using a video to feature your best work helps you to not only showcase your talents but helps them feel connected to something bigger.
Videos are one of the best ways to add your personality to your site.
At the end of the day, if you think that your website is boring adding a video can really spruce it up. Changing the color and adding audio can help but to truly add your personality to your site adding a video is essential. It really is the best way for visitors to truly get to know who you are and what you represent.
Things to ask yourself before posting your video:
-Is my target audience going to be interested?
-Would I link to this or share it with someone if I came across it?
-Does it evoke some type of emotion from the viewer?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you should wait to add video content until you can answer yes to all three. Like anything, videos only work if they are done right. Adding a poor shot or wrongly targeted video has the potential to do more harm than good.
That’s where Lifted Logic comes in. We can help you to craft the perfect videography, testimonial, or vlog. To schedule a meeting with a videographer in Kansas City at Lifted Logic, click here!