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Recent 1 Aug 2022

SEO Writing for User Intent

How Blogging Builds Your Brand Identity

by Abby Bland, Senior Copywriter

The internet would be nothing without content. Just a void of numbers and caption-less memes. That’s why developing your brand’s internet presence requires both content creation and solid SEO strategy. Basically, you need to consider these two inseparable facts:

  1. It doesn’t matter how good your content is if people can’t find it. 
  2. And it doesn’t matter if people find your content if they don’t want to read it.

The cool thing about search engines, particularly Google, is they’ve gotten better at building their algorithms with the user in mind. It’s not like the early days, when the internet was a wild west full of keyword stuffing and spammy links.

These days, SEO writing for user intent is one of the most important things you can do for your brand identity.

Quality, user relevant content is now the backbone of SEO. While there are certain little rules that SEO content has to follow, that doesn’t mean you’ve got to transform into a robot or learn code to make it work. There is still plenty of room for creativity in SEO content—just ask my fellow writers at Lifted Logic.

The basics of SEO writing for user intent

Lifted Logic’s website is chock full of info on SEO marketing info if you want to disappear down a delightful rabbit hole of resources. For now, let’s cut to the chase.

SEO content is written in order to rank better on search engine result pages (SERPs). Developing your SEO writing for user intent is about making sure that your content is useful to the people who find it. The more useful your content, the higher it ranks.

Content quality is also judged by whether it has EAT (Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness). These are the top three things that Google in particular uses when evaluating web pages. 

Quick tips for nailing user intent

It’s not just about what you want to tell people about your business, it’s about how they want to hear it.

Solve a problem or answer a question

There’s a difference between something titled “10 Summer Skincare Products” and “10 Skincare Products to Help You Beat the Heat.” It’s a subtle difference, but it’s there. The second title positions the products as a solution to a problem. It immediately shows the user how the products are going to be of value to them. 

If you have a specific product or service you are trying to sell, you need to figure out why people would want it in the first place. 

These days, a lot of people are typing whole questions into the search bar, too. So, when someone searches for “What are the best summer skincare products,” they are more likely to click on a title that matches that question. 

Be clear

Brevity is your friend. Using concise, clear language makes it easier for SEO bots to understand the context of your writing. It also makes it easier for humans to read. A win-win.

These two things only scratch the surface of SEO writing for user intent, but they can get you started.

How does SEO writing help build your brand identity?

So you’ve got a killer website, decked out with your logo, company colors, and photos. But none of that matters if people aren’t coming to your site. That’s why ongoing marketing is an important part of building your business.

Ongoing content planning is probably my favorite part of working with our clients at Lifted Logic. During our monthly meetings we get to hear about how business is going and strategize together about the content we’re going to create. It’s during these meetings that we get to actually see what’s working, what’s not, and talk about how we can problem solve.

With our ongoing marketing clients, we work together developing and writing ongoing blogs to continue bringing people to your website. Blogs especially are a chance to show off your personality and humanize your business. They’re also a great entry point for new users on a site. 

Regular blogging allows your company to stand out from the crowd. Businesses with blogs generate more leads and more website traffic. 

Every article is an opportunity to show off what makes your business unique and build trust with your audience. If your website is the house, the blog is the conversation happening in the kitchen. Regular blogging helps build long term relationships with your customers.

Looking to give your business blog a boost?

Lifted Logic specializes in building websites that are SEO driven. We follow all the rules and best practices, working to make sure our clients will rank on SERPs and start pulling more leads. We focus on measurable results, so when our strategy isn’t working, we pivot and adjust until the results improve.

We’re honestly just a bunch of nerds that love the internet. We only take on a few new clients each year so we can take the time to get to know each one. This lets us focus on bringing your unique voice to life in all your content.

Contact us today and let’s chat about making your blog work for you!

About the Author

Abby Bland, Senior Copywriter

A Senior Copywriter, and the Program Director for the Kansas City Poetry Slam, Abby brings unmatched structural and narrative expertise to Lifted Logic's marketing clients. If you've ready content on our site and thought, "oh, that's lovely," chances are she was involved.