Here at Lifted Logic, we create cutting-edge online experiences that elevate brands, maximize ROI, and generate conversions. So many different, talented people, helping so many different, awesome clients.
In the content department, we fire up our brains daily, stick our keyboards directly where the creativity burns brightest, and deliver social media, web elements, and biggest of all, SEO blogs.
Sure, web design and SEO are our business, but writing better content with strategic keyphrases? That’s our job—and if you’re reading this, now it’s your job. That content is part of how Lifted Logic ends up winning awards, and part of why we’re considered among the best web design agencies in Kansas City.
When writing blogs for your website, you’ll mix creativity with design. The biggest tool in your toolkit? SEO keyphrases for blogs.
(Be prepared—we’re about to get real meta here.)
The difference between keyphrases and keywords
A predetermined content planner can provide guidance for the topics you need to cover (much like we did with this blog.)
But a keyphrase is not a keyword. Here’s the difference.
A keyword is the single word that describes your blog post (among other things) best. For example: “blogs” could be the keyword for this blog post. However, when you search for “blogs”—whoa nelly, you get a bazillion returns, with most of them not related to what this blog is about.
That’s where your keyphrase comes in. This is a small string of words (AKA a phrase), including your keyword, that will provide the best Google ranking power for people searching for your blog content.
Dig deeper into SEO keyword and keyphrase meanings.
Since this blog involves ways to better implement keyphrases in your blog, I hit up Moz, did keyphrase investigation, and decided to use “SEO for blogs” as my keyphrase starting point. It has a nice number of monthly searches, and falls in line with some other keyphrases that have good monthly search numbers, like “SEO blog” and “SEO for bloggers.”
Then, I added “keyphrases for” to the keyphrase, hoping to attract more specificity. My final H1/keyphrase? “SEO keyphrases for blogs.”
Write for your readers so they’ll read your writing!
Plain and simple: your content can’t suck. Your readers will figure that out quickly. And Google creates new algorithms almost daily for their spiders to combat bad content, the kind that’s solely intended to stack tons of keyphrases and keywords into the blog like bad food at a cheap buffet.
Instead, write for the reader so that they can get the information they want, enjoy the experience as they get it, and relate to the delivery of that information.
How different communication styles affect people.
That said, there’s still the current golden rule across the internet: your keyword density should fall in the 0.5 – 2% range. And if you don’t want to do that math, just try to include your keyphrase every 150 words or so. And figuring out how to achieve those numbers without sounding awkward is what this blog is all about.
Let’s dive into better implementing your keyphrases into your wonderful blogs, so your words are read, your business is a thought leader in your field, and the website ranks better on Google’s search engine results page (SERP).
Uh-oh—writer’s block! Overcome it for SEO results
5 tips to better implement SEO keyphrases for blogs
Here are some ways to implement your SEO keyphrases into blogs for better readability and results.
Change up the SEO keyphrase
The keyphrase for this blog is “SEO keyphrases for blogs.” However, I’ve been changing how the words are phrased throughout, not just to create more SEO value, but to utilize it in a way that reads easier.
For example, above is the sentence “Here are some ways to implement your SEO keyphrases into blogs for better readability and results.” Note that the main keyphrase words are all in that sentence: “SEO keyphrases for blogs.”
More tips on SEO keyphrases for blogs you write
Use SEO keyphrases in some blog headings
Heh heh, see what I did there? In the H3 heading above, I used “SEO keyphrases,” “for,” and “blogs”, all in a heading that makes sense for where it is, and what it accomplishes for you as the reader.
If this blog was about how to better cook hotdogs for your campout, and the keyphrase was “hot dogs for camping in Kansas City,” I might have a H2 or H3 heading that reads “Camping skewers for the best fire-roasted hot dogs”. After that I might list wood vs steel, length, etc. in my subheadings. As you can see, I fit in “hot dogs,” “for,’ and “camping” in a natural way that made sense for that blog.
SEO efforts not working? This might be why.
Pluralize words in your keyphrase
When you pick your keyphrase, you might pluralize some of the words for better ranking. If someone types “blog” into their search, they’ll find “blogs” also. It doesn’t always work the other way around, though. Google is much better now at understanding not only searcher’s words (and their occasional misspellings), but the intent of the search, too.
I improve my chances at having this blog found by using “SEO keyphrases for blogs,” instead of something like “seo blog keyphrase.” And if it’s found by the reader, they get something from it and then share it with others—we all win.
Be strategic with your link anchor text
Let’s start our discussion of SEO anchor text with this: be careful. Google frowns on websites who pack anchor text with keyphrases, especially if the keyphrase has nothing to do with the link’s content. That’s called “link relevancy,” and Google will knock your site down several pegs for violating it.
Related: using SEO keyphrases in anchor text
For example, if my hot dog cooking blog had a link for “Mountain Bikes that Rock the Trails,” but I created anchor text using my keyphrase “hot dogs for camping in Kansas City,” the ranking could drop, not improve. Though mountain bikes could be loosely related to camping in my mind, using anchor text that is definitely not related to the link content, and has little to no link relevancy, does not build SEO. Instead, it actually hurts your ranking.
Break it up and shake it on
The words within your keyphrase need to show up with some frequency in your blog. It seems almost like common sense, but the fact is, those words don’t have to be as consecutive as you would think.
Take the paragraph below:
Building SEO is a core element of what Lifted Logic does. And writing blogs? We content producers do it because we love visual communication. As part of the Lifted Logic team here in Kansas City, we craft useful, interesting articles that incorporate keyphrases with just the right amount of repetition to help in Google ranking.
Now, go back over the previous paragraph, and look for the parts of this blog’s full keyphrase, “SEO keyphrases for blogs.” You’ll find the full keyphrase in there, broken up and sprinkled throughout.
Related: what Google loves to see on websites
No-no SEO, or how Google does not like black hats 🎩🙅🏻♂️
The term “black hat” is not about fashion—it’s about fashioning a blog that doesn’t violate SEO ethics. When you pack your blog (or your page) with keywords, keyphrases, etc., it’s called “stuffing”, and that’s old-school bad.
This kind of tactic, among others, falls under “black hat SEO.” People and companies who do it or hire others who do it for them, reap heavy consequences. Most will be penalized, but some websites actually get banned from Google altogether. With 90% of the world using Google to find you, that’s pretty much a death knell for your website.
Ultimately, there’s no cheating the system—so you’ll have to make a decision about how you want to approach SEO. We will always advocate this: wear your white hat, do what’s right, and do it well. That’s how Lifted Logic rolls.
Use these tips for better SEO keyphrase implementation
As always, ask any of our Lifted Logic team members for help, advice, or brainstorming. We’re in this together, creating content that lifts our brand here in Kansas City, and our clients around the globe.
Lifted Logic is the premier, full-service digital agency of the midwest. We’re hard-working thinkers and doers who let our work speak for itself. For over a decade, Lifted Logic has transformed thousands of companies in the KC area, across the nation, and internationally.