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Project Management

Recent 15 Aug 2024

How to Build a Successful Team

How to Build a Successful Team as a Project Manager

by Emma Levine, Director of Project Management

There’s a lot of information that’s been written on how to build a successful team. It’s easy to get lost in trying to locate the “perfect” resource. Lifted Logic, like any company, understands the value of teamwork and collaboration. Unlike other companies, Lifted Logic isn’t interested in perfection. Perfect isn’t really an unattainable goal.

Successful, on the other hand, is something we can work towards. Success can be measured with data and demonstrated with evidence. And the truth about success is that it still always leaves room for improvement. 

What makes a successful team?

When you’re considering how to build a successful team you have to consider what the team is meant to accomplish. As a project manager, and as someone who hires other project managers, for me that means thinking about building teams on 2 levels. First, on a company level. Second, on a project by project basis.

For the company, we consider the typical things you need when you hire someone. At Lifted Logic especially we think about whether or not someone will be a good fit for company culture. Project by project, that means thinking about the client as well as the project team.

Regardless, there are always 3 things every successful team needs: accountability, solid systems, and the right people.


I think a pretty foundational part of any team is having a way to make sure that work is getting done. Honestly, it contributes to team morale to know that everyone is being held to the same standards. 

This doesn’t mean individual needs aren’t taken into consideration. We meet people where they’re at. For example, at Lifted Logic we value being able to provide our team members the ability to flex their schedules. If someone needs to leave early in the day for their kids, we can allow them to work at night. 

Accountability allows team members to trust one another, which is ultimately, of course, a benefit to the company.

Solid Systems

Building on accountability, systems are an absolute necessity for any project management process. Systems create clear expectations and smooth communication—both things that lead to better collaboration. 

And that’s the whole point of having a team, right? It’s so that you can work together and build something better than you would’ve been able to on your own. One of the coolest things about watching the project management team at Lifted Logic grow over the years has been the benefits of having a support network. 

Now that there’s more of us, we have more people to learn from and bounce ideas off of when we need to troubleshoot something.

The Right People

Accountability and solid systems rely on one pretty critical aspect: the members of your team. 

There’s no magic formula that creates the perfect project manager. Good PMs can come from all types of backgrounds and experiences. However, I do think there are a few things that most PMs have in common:

  1. They’re great at communication, which is honestly 80% of the job.
  2. They have a natural curiosity about the world and their clients. 
  3. They’re a self starter who can handle motivating themselves and others.

Bonus points if you like checking things off a to-do list. If you love a list, project management is a good fit for you.

At Lifted Logic we also really value having team members who are invested in each other’s success. We’re all really competitive people, but we aren’t ever competing with each other. It’s a space where we’re constantly learning together.

Interested in learning more about project management and web design?

You can always check out our blog for other resources on web design, project management, and everything in between. If you want to learn about our project management team or Lifted Logic as a company, our team page is a great way to get to know us.

Interested in joining our team of nerds in love with the web? Feel free to snag a peek at our careers page. Or, just shoot us a message.  We’re always looking for creative people looking to change the world, one website at a time.

About the Author

Emma Levine, Director of Project Management

If you've ever worked with Lifted Logic, you likely know Emma well—you lucky dogs, you. As Director of Project Management at Lifted Logic, she is responsible for tracking, planning, and monitoring the progress of all website builds and ongoing marketing at Lifted Logic, no matter their stage of development.