Don’t be intimidated by social media. Lifted Logic is here to help you determine which social media network your business should be on.
Social media has become a huge part of how businesses interact with their clients. Whether you already have a strong social media presence or are just starting to build your fan base, social media can be a great asset if managed correctly. It is important to remember that just because you can have a profile for every social media network and can make updates, you don’t have to put your hard earned money and time into a network that doesn’t fit for your needs. If you are wondering which social media network your business should be on, then contact Lifted Logic today! Our social media department will advise you on the best network and practices to get the leads you need.
Which social media network should your business be on?
Before you choose a social media network, every business should take the time to evaluate what type of business they are and their intended goals (i.e. likes, leads, sales, etc). For example, our social media manager typically recommends:
- If your business focuses on B2B sales, Lifted Logic recommends that you should have a strong LinkedIn profile.
- If you are a creative business hoping to make sales through beautiful images, we recommend utilizing Pinterest and Instagram.
- If your business is looking to target a more mature audience, Facebook is the way to go.
- If your business consists of pushing content dedicated to live feed and industry tips, Twitter is a great tool.
There are many benefits to each social media network which your business can utilize to generate sales and leads. Keep in mind, it is better to have a few, well managed social media networks than having a profile on every platform that you constantly ignore.
To help determine which social media network your business should be on or if you would like to discuss your social media strategy, contact Lifted Logic today!