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Recent 4 Apr 2019

SEO Training In Kansas City

What is SEO and why does it matter?

by Becca Stebbin, Lead Content Strategist

Lifted Logic wants to make sure our clients understand what actually matters in the strange, wide world of online marketing and SEO.

Recently, there have been a lot of changes happening in that world. With those changes come questions.

And if we assume that for every client that’s come to us with an SEO question so far in 2019 that there are 10 more of you out there wondering the same thing… boy have we got a lot of confusion:

Why do my keyphrases need to be localized?

Why doesn’t Google understand what this page is about?

When is it appropriate to replace relevant and engaging content with another keyphrase?

SEO is changing… sort of.

In our last article, we talked about how to optimize your SEO strategy for 2019.

In it, we detailed how SEO is beginning to shift, given the introduction of Google’s (and other search engines’) rudimentary ability to begin understanding the “context” of your content—and not just the words within.

However, while many marketers agree that this change signals a bigger shift in SEO long term, we can all agree that Google is still not there… yet.

Google’s newest update, from our understanding and research, has allowed it to start matching synonyms, and begin to replace words 1:1. But as far as understanding why your content should satisfy one of thousands of search queries… it’s not quite there.

It’s important to note that while newer SEO strategies (such as multiple keyword targeting) begin to emerge with these new changes, they may not necessarily be wrong… but there will always be more of the truth somewhere in the middle of it all.

Lifted Logic’s strategy for creating good web content, specifically for targeting Local SEO, looks a little something like this…

  1. Optimize for one keyphrase per page/post
  2. Localize keyphrases (“web design” versus “web design in Kansas City”)
  3. Build strong link profiles through crosslinking across various pages
  4. Focus on user-friendly vocabulary, not industry jargon
  5. Prioritize optimizing Google My Business

This strategy may look different than another article or two you’ve read online about SEO in 2019… and that’s okay.

Lifted Logic is constantly researching new strategies to ensure our approach, and therefore our clients’ websites, will stand the test of time.

And as we’ve mentioned in previous articles and innumerable meetings, “99% of Google’s ‘best practices’ don’t change.”

It’s why we have old blog posts from 2011 still ranking #1 in Google SERPs, even for topics unrelated to Lifted Logic.

Take, for example, our beloved “fad diet” analogy. Different fad diets all share some aspect of making you “healthier”—low carb, keto, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers—and some even work, for some people.

But the basics of being healthy—portion control, cutting out sugar and fried food, eating more fruits and veggies, increasing exercise—core health ideas that stand the test of time… don’t (and won’t) change.

SEO is the same way. And while most SEO companies are like diets… Lifted Logic is more about finding what’s healthy and sustainable in the long term.

It means we don’t always jump on the newest SEO bandwagon. But in no line of work is that kind of strategy sustainable anyway.

While it may not be “hip” to say, it does need to be said: change is scary (to a business, anyway). It can cost you money. And the online world of digital marketing is changing and shifting every day.

If we can be a ‘constant’ authority in online web development that does not compromise our strategies or values at the drop of a pin, it’s because we’ve already got something pretty special.

Then, do I need to care about SEO?

It’s a very common misconception that SEO is the sole key to getting leads and making money online.

“If only my website ranked #1, I would be the most successful ___ in town.”

While rank IS important in its own right, and properly and professionally establishing your website in a client-facing space (in a way that’s better than your competitors) will get more eyes on your content, it shouldn’t be the only thing that’s important to measure in your online marketing strategy.

SEO does matter—but only in a certain way. What Lifted Logic prioritizes, and tries to communicate to our clients, is the fact that getting the RIGHT users to your site is more important than rank. Not all of them. Not a lot of them. Just the right ones. Don’t waste your server (so to speak) on people who don’t care about you, and who will never convert into a lead.

Focus your efforts on the ones that will, and you’ll make your life a whole lot easier in the process.

If we rebuild your website, and it goes from 8th in rank at 100 users a month, to 1st in rank at 1000 users per month… did we do a good job? (Most would say, “Yes!”)

What if in each scenario, you only got 10 leads? Did we still do a good job?

What matters more: Conversion Rate Optimization

By focusing not only on rank, but also prioritizing user experience and satisfying the user’s intent, your business will look professional and establish authority in its space… without using gimmicks or tricks to get you there.

That authenticity is what people respond to, and what drives them to reach out. People love buying things… But they hate being sold to.

In the end, writing good web content all boils down to answering the user’s question — sometimes even before they know to ask it! Was it the correct answer? Did you provide relevant, easy-to-read content that also provides additional information that they not have even known they needed? And, most importantly… did they reach out to you?

This strategy has worked for hundreds of our clients for over 11 years. And our track record speaks for itself.  

How much are you worth on the internet?

Whether you’re a current or past client, chances are, you’ve heard someone on the Lifted Logic team mention throughput.

If you’ve never worked with Lifted Logic before, welcome! We are a web design company in Kansas City that creates custom websites to help businesses across the country, and around the world, see the internet as a tool—not a chore.

The concept of “throughput” is not new to economics. However, it’s not often translated into 21st century ideas.

Take the internet for example. Understanding online throughput is key to understanding how much of your time, energy, and other resources can and should be spent working on your website.

Recently, Adam was invited to speak at TEDx Overland Park about this very subject.

Check it out here—

Have questions? Want help translating what throughput means for your business? Give us a call or fill out our Cost Calculator tool for more information.


Contact Us



About the Author

Becca Stebbin, Lead Content Strategist

Becca was a Content Strategist before it was cool, building SEO best practices into digital marketing strategies for our clients well before it was an industry standard. Her experience at the forefront of digital marketing and SEO serves her well as the intrepid leader of Lifted Logic's Content Department.