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Recent 30 Aug 2022

Journalism Job in Kansas City

Looking for a journalism job in Kansas City? Here’s why you should consider Lifted Logic.

by Charlie Huette, Creative Director

Before I came to Lifted Logic, I had a side hustle teaching some classes in the journalism department of a nearby university. Cool story, I know. But I tell it to establish my firm understanding of the skills journalism majors typically bring when they come in for a job interview. Lifted Logic can put those skills to use.

Whatever the specific concentration of your journalism degree–whether news and info, marketing, strategic communication, digital media, broadcasting, whatever–you know some very specific stuff that will be immediately useful to us at Lifted Logic. 

By “specific stuff,” I mean what you know about writing, SEO, photography, video, design, content creation, copyright law, or whatever you had to learn to actually complete your coursework. But in addition to all this, I want to also point out that pursuing your journalism degree has probably also helped nurture a set of more general attributes that we love to see in job candidates:

  • Understanding storytelling
  • Familiarity with the nuances of medium
  • Real-world experience

Journalism majors understand storytelling

Each of our clients has a unique story to tell–the story of their business, their customers, their clients, their niche, and all that makes them amazing. Sometimes our clients want traditional storytelling. Sometimes they want unconventional storytelling. Sometimes they don’t know what kind of storytelling they want, and we have to huddle up and figure out the smartest move. 

Whether you cut your teeth telling stories in print or online, in news packages or podcasts, your background in journalism means that you have a valuable perspective to bring to these sorts of discussions. We are certainly not running out of stories to tell, so we are also not running out of jobs for journalism majors.  

Journalists understand the importance of medium

Journalism majors bring hands-on experience telling stories across media–I’m talking print, web, mobile, interactive, words, images, sound, and data–whatever the story warrants. This sort of media flexibility is a great asset. 

Typically the scope of any project is limited by budget or time (or both), and so we’re always looking for smart people who can help us see opportunities across all the media we use to tell our clients’ stories. If you’re comfortable exploring the relationship between medium and message, or finding new ways to update old story forms with fresh platforms, then you’ll feel right at home on one of our collaborative teams. 

We want to see your work, not just your degree.

I hope you can see that we’re interested in more than just your degree. We don’t really care what you bring to Lifted Logic as a journalism major. Instead, we care what you bring as you–your journalism degree plus all the rest of who you are and what you can do

We think your journalism degree is cool, but we know that what makes your work unique is the person behind that degree–the passions, interests, and experiences that drew you to journalism in the first place. 

Think you’d be a good fit? Send us your info!

If this point of view resonates with you, and you feel like you’d be a good fit at Lifted Logic, take a minute to poke around the site, get to know us, and check out the open positions. We aren’t your typical journalism job in Kansas City, but you aren’t looking for a typical job, are you? (And that’s why we’ll get along so well!)

If you don’t see a specific position that tickles your fancy, use our virtual application tool to help us understand where you may be a good fit! If we agree, we’ll reach out with a task for you that will tell us about your skills and approach to the sorts of work we do every day. We can’t wait to meet you. 

About the Author

Charlie Huette, Creative Director

Charlie is the new Creative Director here at Lifted Logic, and has a background in education, media production, operations, and whispering to animals. His expertise in multimedia marketing and brand communications makes him an invaluable collaborator in designing quality internal and client marketing content.